CTE Tracks
What is Career Technical Education (CTE)?
- Career technical education (CTE) provides students and adults with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and develop skills they will use throughout their careers.
- CTE programs have been organized into 15 industry sectors that identify the knowledge and skills students need as they follow a pathway to their goals.
- CTE prepares students for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.
What are the 15 Industry Sectors?
- Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Arts, Media, & Entertainment
- Building & Construction Trades
- Business & Finance
- Education, Child Development, & Family Services
- Energy, Environment, & Utilities
- Engineering & Architecture
- Fashion & Interior Design
- Health Science and Medical Technology
- Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation
- Information & Communication Technologies
- Manufacturing & Product Development
- Marketing Sales & Services
- Public Services
- Transportation
What will this look like at BRIDGE?
- Students will be able to choose an industry sector that they would like to learn more about and focus on each semester.
- Students will work on the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards on a modified level to gain basic skills for that industry sector. For more information please see the brochures for each industry standard offered at BRIDGE.
- Students will gain knowledge and skills that will benefit them both in life and in the workforce.